Mitchell Justice Court [ OR ]
Street Address
105 Nelson Street, Mitchell, OR 97750
This court has jurisdiction over the area under Southeast boundaries to .John Day River1. Another branch of the Wheeler County Justice Court is co-located with this court, with same PO Box number and Judge; which has jurisdiction over Precinct 3.
About the area
Would you believe, Mitchell has Mitchell has less than 200 people living in it. The city besides its residences has only a community hall heated by a wood stove, a city park adjacent to Bridge Creek, a century-old mercantile, a twisted juniper furniture shop and a few other downtown businesses. But it does have a resident Black Bear and a resident guinea hen. Wild turkeys, quail and deer frequently wander through town.
Hon. Linda Keys
Mailing Address
105 Nelson St., PO Box 142, Mitchell, OR 97750