Brentwood District Court [ PA ]
Street Address
41 Macek Dr, Pittsburgh, PA 15227
Judge Bova the Supernova! Shines bright on the bench then suddenly disappears into the recesses of the courtroom! But "The Big Bang" is what they actually call him because of his size and thunderous voice. We guess those nicknames are better than John John.
About the area
District 05-2-18 serves Baldwin Borough and Brentwood Borough. Brentwood has several historical hotels where presidents have stayed. It also has a large shopping district. Brownsville Road runs through the area. It is a nice, smooth, straight road but be prepared to stop at its many red lights, which work on a timer; meaning, they will turn red even if there are no waiting cards.
Hours of Operation
M-F 8:30 am - 12:00 pm, 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm
Hon. John Bova
Type Of Cases
Route 51 speeding tickets and some DUI cases too.
Mailing Address
Brentwood District Court, Wallace School Building
Forty-One Macek Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15227