Homestead District Court [ PA ]
Street Address
510 E 8th Ave, Munhall, PA 15120
This judge is tough as nails. He deals with many felony cases, including an average of ten murder cases a year. Traffic violations isn`t his forte, but he probably wishes it was. You don't want to get Torked
About the area
District 05-2-15 serves Homestead, Munhall, and West Homestead. Homestead has much to boast about, and much to cower about. Its history has been tumultuous and infamous, but at the same time, progressively revolutionary. The Homestead Grays were part of several Negro Leagues and were in 10 of the 13 Negro League Championships. Also, the Homestead Strike took place in 1892 at the Homestead Steel Works. It resulted in several deaths and many injuries, forcing Henry Clay Frick to wave the white flag until the National Guard came in to restore order. Today, Homestead suffers from a surplus of poverty and crime. Approximately two-thirds of the business district is boarded up. But down by the Monongahela River is the new, cutting-edge Waterfront district where many corporate restaurants, bars, and shopping centers enjoy a busy and vibrant atmosphere.
Hours of Operation
Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 am - 4 pm; Thurs. 11 am - 7 pm
District Justice Tom Torkowsky
Mailing Address
Munhall District Court
Five-Ten East Eighth Avenue, Munhall, PA 15120