Plum District Court [ PA ]
Street Address
10101 Saltsburg Road, Plum, PA 15239
Honorable Zucco`s last name derives from "zucchero," Italian for sugar. Now is she sweet as sugar? Maybe outside the courtroom but she is pretty tough on the bench, following suit with the tough police officers in her district. They keep things in line here.
About the area
Plum is a large borough that sits in the upper right corner of Allegheny County. There is no centralized business district; things are spread out. Rt. 376 and Rt. 22 are the main roads, and the cops thrive on DUIs and speeding violations. Plum police are known to be the toughest when it comes to not getting off with a warning.
Hours of Operation
Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri. 8 - 3:30; Thurs. 10 - 6
Honorable Linda Zucco
Mailing Address
One-oh-One-oh-One Saltsburg Road, Plum, PA 15239