Freedom District Court [ PA ]
Street Address
559 3rd Ave, Freedom, PA 15042
For decades, Judge Howe did paid and voluntary work for both the police and fire departments in Rochester, on top of participating in other community programs. You might ask: How did Howe find the time for all that? Well, it just goes to show you that he is a well-organized, meticulous man, and it reflects in his courtroom.
About the area
Freedom District Court, # 36-2-01 covers several boroughs and townships. The Court is located in Freedom, which has an interesting story behind the name: In the early 1800s, Abolitionists posted signs that read "FREEDOM" all along the Ohio River in this area, letting slaves know that they were now on safe lands. Ironically, soon after Freedom become known for its casket production. From feeling alive to being dead: the circle of life---the ups and downs in the human condition---is forever ubiquitous here.
Hon. Ed Howe
Mailing Address
Freedom Traffic Court
Five Five Nine Third Avenue, Freedom, PA 15042