Wysox Magistrate [ PA ]
In case you need assistance: 570-265-9393
Street Address
PA-6 & PA-187, Wysox, PA, Wysox, PA 18854
WWW Link
The map for this court unfortunately is not accurate even though it has been created using Google's parameters. Certain roads and routes in small communities do not appear to be added to Google's mapping system yet.
About the area
Known as the "Golden Mile", this community is today the home of approximately 1800 inhabitants and it was named after an Indian expression for "places of grapes". In the Sayre metro area, live with pride and enthusiasm the gentle people of Wyson Township, always respectful and attentive to the law. This territory of a very regular topography presents an elevation of more than 1000 feet above sea level, and could be a good choice for those who want to rest and breathe fresh air.
Judge Fred Wheaton
Mailing Address
RR 2 Box 0, Wysox, PA 18854