Linwood District Court [ PA ]
Street Address
526 W Ridge Rd, Linwood, PA 19061
About the area
Nested in between Marcus Hook, Trainer, Boothwyn, Chester Township, and Claymont lies the community of Linwood which is as bright as a baby star. This territory is the home of more than 3300 inhabitants and presents an economy supported mostly by the construction and health care industries. When it comes to its weather, carry your umbrella if you decide to visit this Delaware County land during the months of September and May... this corner of Pennsylvania seems to have more tornado activity than desired so keep your hats on!
Linwood could be a good name for a school if they spelled it better.
Try not to grin much to Mr. David Griffin, you never know how would he react...
Type Of Cases
I-95 makes Linwood Magistrate Court quite the busy traffic court.
Mailing Address
Linwood Magistrate
526 West Ridge Road, Linwood , PA 19061