District Court of Elkins Park [ PA ]
Call 215-635-1535
Street Address
7804 Montgomery Ave, Elkins Park, PA 19027
Is this court inside a group of townhomes? On the plus side, it's close to a rail station so if you lose your license you can still get home.
About the area
Elkins Park is the birthplace of the brilliant, famous, and multi-talented comedian Dr. William Cosby - aka Bill Cosby or "Hey Hey Hey Hey ... It's Fat Albert!" You know, when he was a boy, he had to walk to school, ten miles, uphill ... both ways!
The area is served by the SEPTA Regional Rail trains operated by the Pennsylvania Railroad. The education of the residents living in Elkins Park is provided by the Cheltenham Township School District and the Abington Township School District. The "faith" emblem of this territory is represented by the Beth Sholom Synagogue, follower of conservative traditions and practices.
Her Honor Beth McHugh
Mailing Address
District Court
7804 Montgomery Avenue, Elkins Park, PA 19027