Emlenton Magistrate [ PA ]
Assistance at: 724_867_2362
Street Address
511 Hill St, Emlenton, PA 16373
Formally District Court 28-3-04, but according to our sources, many people in PA do prefer to use place names for magistrate courts.
About the area
Foxburg, St. Petersburg, Parker, Cherry Valley, and Eau Claire are the closest neighbors of Emlenton borough which is irrigated by the Allegheny river and member of the Oil City metro area. This territory was founded by Joseph M. Fox and his wife Hannah Emlen, who received the honor of having this land named after her. The former residents of this land witnessed the invention of the Quaker State Motor Oil, and treasured the beauty of the Emlenton Bridge as much as the actual inhabitants of this borough, father of the baseball player Claude Ritchey.
Hon. Douglas Gerwick
Mailing Address
511 Hill Street, Suite 206 - Po Box 456, Emlenton, PA 16373