Hempfield (Greensburg) District Court [ PA ]
Street Address
174 S Greengate Rd, Greensburg, PA 15601
The Honorable Mark Mansour
Is known to take the bench with poise.
When ruling, he tilts his moustache:
The scales of justice never clash!
For he is prudent to the core,
And demands respect on the floor.
If defendants fail to obey,
He sends them to jail for a day!
About the area
Located just outside of downtown Greensburg, the court sits off a long road between Fort Allen (a middle-class housing development) and Route 30 where new shopping centers line the highway. It is relatively a low-crime area with regard to violence but is plagued with drugs and teenage mischief such as vandalism. Court covers Hempfield, Arona and Adamsburg, which gives it a fair chunk of both I-76 and Route 66 - a lot of speeding tickets for sure. DUI cases too.
Hours of Operation
8:30 a.m. - 12:00, 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
The Honorable Mark Mansour
Type Of Cases
Non-alcohol-related traffic offenses, as well as non-violent misdemeanors. PA has tough sentencing on DUI cases, so get a lawyer.
Mailing Address
RD 6 Box 225, Greensburg, PA 15601