Jeannette District Court 10-1-01 [ PA ]
Street Address
513 Clay Ave., Jeannette, PA 15644
If you find yourself driving down a street lined with shabby Section-8s and shifty characters, do not get anxious and speed through. Just lock your doors because police like to dart out from the alleys, even on bike. The Court covers the City of Jeannette, Penn Borough, and part of Hempfield Township, including Route 30, a major highway with an agonizing speed limit of 40 mph. It is common to find yourself driving comfortably at 65 mph, so remain speed-conscious in this area or you will end up in Jeannette Traffic Court.
About the area
Jeannette is a fallen town on the rebound. Once renowned for having the most glass factories in the world, Jeannette took a heavy economic blow between the 50s and 80s due to the rise of other industries around the world. Half of the town remains in tatters, including downtown, but renovation is now underway. If corporate businesses supplant the traditional mom and pop stores, look for a decline in robberies since there will be better security in place, with an increase in traffic violations since there will be a greater influx of consumers from nearby towns.
Hours of Operation
8:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 12:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Honorable Joseph R. DeMarchis
Local and State police
Type Of Cases
Misdemeanors and traffic violations, including DUI offenses, although many are delegated to Westmoreland County Court of Common Pleas. Parking tickets only require a walk to a drop-box or the local police department.
Mailing Address
101 Jayhawk Drive, Jeannette, PA 15644