Ligonier District Court [ PA ]
Street Address
206 W Main St., Ligonier, PA 15658
WWW Link
Judge Thiel feels that we live our lives too fast-paced, which is why she enjoys presiding over a laid-back area where kids don`t grow up too quick and the older citizens sit around town casually talking about "the old days." It is a very different atmosphere compared to the nearby Pittsburgh-influenced towns.
About the area
Ligonier District Court covers several places, such as Bolivar, Donegal, Ligonier (of course), and plenty more. The area is very mountainous and barren but thanks to several historic landmarks like Fort Ligonier (where the French and Indian War was fought) and Idlewild Park (a place to ride rickety roller coasters and slip and slide down water shoots) the citizens of Ligonier are kept both informed and entertained.
Hours of Operation
Opens at 8:30 and good for eight hours or so, with a break somewhere around noon.
Mailing Address
Ligonier Traffic Court
Two-Oh-Six West Main Street, Ligonier, PA 15658