New Kensington District Court 10-1-5 [ PA ]
Street Address
1100 Fourth Ave., New Kensington, PA 15068
If you go driving through New Ken, And it`s a place you`ve never been, Please be careful on the bridges: They`re full of potholes and ridges. So don`t floor it and speed across, Or decide to give your teeth a good floss, Filing out your drive-thru dinner: You might end up swallowed by a river!
About the area
The Court covers the cities of New Kensington and Arnold. Both cities run along the Allegheny River. Because of the close proximity to Pittsburgh and the largest mall in Western Pennsylvania, there tends to be rush-hour traffic in the morning and evening. New Kensington has its own commercial center, which is surrounded by complicated intersections. You will find yourself sitting at five- and six-way intersections and then making yield-like maneuvers to remain on the same road. So make sure you`re about to head in the right direction and keep your eyes focused on whose turn it is. Route 28 and 366 are the main highways in this area.
Hours of Operation
8:00 am - 12:00 pm, 12:30 pm - 4:00 pm
Hon. Frank J. Pallone, Jr.
Local and State Police
Type Of Cases
All traffic violations
Mailing Address
1100 4th Avenue, New Kensington, PA 15068