West Newton District Court [ PA ]
Street Address
112 Walnut Lane, West Newton, PA 15089
Judge Christner comes from long line of lawyers with Christ-like morals. Very fair and compassionate.
About the area
District Court 10-2-06 covers the boroughs of Madison, North Belle Vernon, Smithton, Sutersville, West Newton, and the townships of Sewickley and Rostraver. The area is rural and hilly. The best technique for driving around here is to keep your foot off the gas during the long stretches of highway, and your foot on the brake as you descend the pastoral hillsides.
Hours of Operation
M-F 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 12:30 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
District Judge Charles M. Christner, Jr.
State Police, particularly for speedy and careless drivers
Type Of Cases
Traffic violations and misdemeanors. I-70 speeds are the biggest show in town.
Mailing Address
West Newtown District Court
112 Walnut Lane, Suite 1, West Newton, PA 15089