Youngwood District Court [ PA ]
Street Address
500 Armbrust Rd, Youngwood, PA 15697
WWW Link
Judge Falcon is known as a progressive judge and an advocate of implementing various modes of technology in the courtroom. He is pushing to have his courtroom be part of the experimental video-conferencing system where defendants stand before the judge by simply sitting in front of a computer at a police station. It is an attempt to save time for everyone involved.
About the area
District Court 10-02-01 covers the boroughs of Hunker, New Stanton, South Greensburg, Youngwood, and shares Hempfield Township with several other Courts. The heart of this district, Youngwood, is a small but crowded residential area. Police are often on the lookout for un-inspected cars in hopes of cracking down on the local drug problem. It is also a hot spot for random DUI checkpoints, especially in the short span between Youngwood and New Stanton.
Hours of Operation
M-F 9 am - 12 pm, 12:30 pm - 5 pm
Judge James N. Falcon
State Police handles the area exclusively
Type Of Cases
Lotta highways meet at Youngwood - I-70, 76, and Routes 66/119. Speeding tickets galore.
Mailing Address
Youngwood District Court
Five Hundred Armbrust Road, Youngwood, PA 15697