Rhode Island Traffic Court [ RI ]
Street Address
670 New London Ave., Cranston, RI 02920
Also known as the Rhode Island Traffic Tribunal.
About the area
If you are traveling through Rhode Island then chances are you will go by this little pretty town called Cranston because all of the major freeways pass through Cranston including the I-95, US-1 and many more. Cranston also falls in the Amtrak Northeast Corridor route so it is well connected by Train and buses too. The first Auto race track was started here in the Narragansett Park. The Budlong pool which one of the biggest pools in the United States is also here. There are many things to do in this small coastal town. A whole lotta highways, including I-95, I-295, RI 10 US 1, US 1A, RI 2, RI 5, RI 12, RI 33, RI 51, RI 115 and RI 117, all converge here in Cranston.
Type Of Cases
Aw come on ... Traffic cases of course! Just maybe some I-95 speeding tickets.
Mailing Address
Rhode Island Traffic Court
670 New London Avenue, Cranston, RI 02920