Killeen Justice of Peace [ TX ]
Questions at: 254.634.7612
Street Address
301 Priest Dr, Killeen, TX 76540
WWW Link
About the area
An estimated 112500 people have made this territory their home, generating a population density of almost 2460 inhabitants per square mile. When examining the demographic data in this municipality, more than 45% of its residents are White Non Hispanic, close to 35% is African American, and the remaining percentage is represented by Latino, Native American, Asian, Pacific Islander, and other racial groups. Getting a good cup of coffee in this community is not going to be complicated at all, because national and regional coffee companies have outlets in Killeen; including Starbucks. Most of the people residing in this municipality are dedicated to public administration, construction, educational service, and accommodation industries.
Mailing Address
Po Box 517, Killeen, TX 76540