Elmendorf Municipal Court [ TX ]
Call: 210-635-8210
Street Address
8302 FM 327, Elmendorf, TX 78112
The address listed on this courtroom corresponds to the US Postal Office of Elmendorf City.
About the area
Established back in the 1880s, this territory under the zip code 78112 has just 700 residents on its almost 1.5 square miles of extension elevated more than 495 feet above sea level. This community in the San Antonio metro area located approximately 20 miles away from the Southern Pacific Railroad reports a median household income of $26500 and approximately 25% of the population living under the poverty line conditions. The racial makeup of White Non Hispanic, Native American, Latino, Asian, African American, and other racial groups is very extensive in the homeland of the Star Clay Products company.
Mailing Address
Postal Office Box 247, Elmendorf, TX 78112