Bronte Municipal Court [ TX ]
Call: 325+473+3501
Street Address
114 S Washington St, Bronte, TX 76933
About the area
Less than 975 people reside in this land neighboring with Robert Lee, Blackwell, Blackwell-Nolan, Miles, and Winters in a distance range of less than 25 miles. The racial makeup of Bronty includes 80% of White Non Hispanic residents, close to 20% of Latino inhabitants, and some colonies of other racial groups such as African American and Asian people. North Runnels Hospital in Winters, Ballinger Memorial Hospital in Ballinger, and Shannon West Texas Memorial Hospital in San Angelo constitute the "health" support of this territory located 40 miles away from the closest airport which is San Angelo Regional-Mathis Field.
Mailing Address
Box K, Bronte, TX 76933