Town of New Hope Municipal Court [ TX ]
Call: 972_548_2489
Street Address
206 N Murphy Rd, Plano, Plano, TX 75094
WWW Link
About the area
With an estimated population of 670 residents, this town in Colling County has a total area of almost 1.5 square miles of extension and a population density of over 460 people per square mile. White Non Hispanic, African American, Native American, Latino, and other racial groups are part of the demographic data of this community of more than 230 households and close to 200 families residing under the zip code 75069. The per capita income in New Hope is close to $24550 and the median income for a household is more than $66550, in a municipality with a firm economy where less than 2% of its people face extreme poverty.
Mailing Address
Po Box 562, McKinney, TX 75094