Spur Justice of Peace [ TX ]
Street Address
110 E Harris St, Spur, TX 79370
About the area
The median household income in this municipality has been calculated as $24300 which is more than $16000 under the national average median household income reported back in 2000. 470 households and 300 families reside in this community served by the zip code 79370 with a population density of close to 675 people per square mile. Situated more than 70 miles away from Lubbock and close to 230 miles away from Dallas, this city is the proud neighbor of Dickens, Girad, Jayton, Crosbyton, and Roaring Springs. Public administration, agriculture, forestry, construction, utilities, health care, accommodation, and educational services are the most common industries present in this corner of Texas.
Mailing Address
Postal Office Box 155, Spur, TX 79370