Clarendon Municipal Court [ TX ]
Questions at: 806=874=1448
Street Address
116 S Kearney St, Clarendon, Clarendon, TX 79226
About the area
Elevated more than 2730 feet above sea level, this municipality reports important American, German, Irish, English, Dutch, and Scotch Irish ancestries in a population with a racial makeup of White Non Hispanic, Latino, African American, Native American, and other racial groups. Agriculture, forestry, educational services, public administration, accommodation, and health care industries constitute the most important employment sources in this corner of Texas served by the zip code 79226. Located on the US Highway 287, this community was founded in the late 1870s and it has been home of several notable residents such as Randy Acord, Frank Collinson, and Harold Dow Bugbee.
Mailing Address
Po Box 843, Clarendon, TX 79226