Floyd District Court [ TX ]
Court line: 806/983/3384
Street Address
100 Main St, Floydada, TX 79235
About the area
The estimated population of this community named after Dolphin Ward Floyd is 6650 people, which has been calculated as 48% urban and 52% rural. With a land area of 992 square miles of extension and a population density of 7 people per square mile, this territory is mostly dedicated to educational services, health care, social services, agriculture, forestry, hunting, mining, and retail trade industries; generating more than 60% of private wages and the remaining percentage is represented by salaries coming from government work, self employed and non incorporated workers. Sharing border lines with Briscoe, Crosby, Dickens, Hale, Lubbock, Motley and Swisher Counties; this community is worth to be seen!
Mailing Address
One-Zero-Zero Main Street, Floydada, TX 79235