Lefors Municipal Court [ TX ]
Call: 806.835.2200
Street Address
103 N Court St, Lefors, TX 79054
About the area
Planning to visit Lefors in Gray County? If that is the case, you better get some information about this territory with us. This community of an estimated population of 560 inhabitants presents more than 90% of White Non Hispanic residents and a very small portion of Latino, Native American, African American, and other racial groups. If you are in Pampa, McLean, Miami, White Deer, Groom, and Skellytown; it will take you less than 25 minutes to arrive to Lefors' downtown area. This municipality is served by the Pampa Regional Medical Center and the Shamrock General Hospital, which are the nearest medical centers near this land.
Mailing Address
Po Box 383, Lefors, TX 79054