Hardeman County Court [ TX ]
Main line: 940:663:2911
Street Address
300 S Main St, Quanah, Quahan, TX 79252
About the area
The Georgia Pacific company is the most important company operating in this community of Texas nested between Harmon (OK), Jackson (OK), Wilbarger, Foard, Cottle, and Childress Counties. With a median household income of $28300 and a per capita income of $16800, this territory is the proud father of Chillicothe, Medicine Mound, and Quanah. This dry land report 59% of urban population and 41% of rural population residing on its 695 square miles of territory with a racial makeup of White Non Hispanic, Latino, African American, Native American, and other racial groups.
Mailing Address
Po Box 30, Quahan, TX 79252