Quanah Municipal Court [ TX ]
Street Address
109 King St, Quanah, Quanah, TX 79252
About the area
Known as "Q Town", this community is the county seat of Hardeman with a total area of 3.5 square miles of extension and more than 820 families residing in this city. American, Irish, English, and German ancestries are present in this municipality with a population density of 745 people per square mile and a total land area of almost 3.5 square miles of extension. Neighboring with Goodlett, Eldorado, Chillicothe, West Jackson, Crowell, Fargo Odell, Elmer, and Olustee; this territory supports its economy with non metallic mineral products, construction, agriculture, health care, educational services, and apparel industries.
Mailing Address
Postal Office Box 629, Quanah, TX 79252