Irion District Court [ TX ]
Ring, ring: 325.659.6571
Street Address
112 W Beauregard, San Angelo, TX 76903
WWW Link
About the area
With a population density of only 2 people per square mile, this territory has a total land extension of 1051 square miles and shares borders with Tom Green, Schleicher, Crockett, and Reagan Counties. Established back in the 1880s, this community supports its economy in agriculture, forestry, mining, educational services, health care, and social services industries. This land connected by the US Highway 67 generates 65% of private wages, 20% of government wages, and the remaining income is completed by not incorporated workers.
Barbara Walther has no interest in National Television!
Steve Lupton
Mailing Address
One-One-Two West Beauregard, San Angelo, TX 76903