Littlefield Justice of Peace [ TX ]
Street Address
100 6th Dr, Littlefield, TX 79339
About the area
With a population density of 989 people per square mile, this territory of almost 6 square miles of land shares borders with Amherst, Spade, Anton, Sudan, Olton, Springlake, Earth, and Opdyke West. Attended by the Lamb Healthcare Center, this municipality is home of several interesting locations such as Lamb County Courthouse, Crescent Park, Laguna Park, and Dunbar Park. American, German, English, and Irish influences have merged in this corner of Texas located 36 miles away from Lubbock and 257 miles away from Albuquerque. Served by Lubbock International Airport, this community is connected by the US Highway 385, US Highway 84, and US Highway 70.
Mailing Address
One-Zero-Zero 6th Drive - Room 108, Littlefield, TX 79339