Normangee Municipal Court [ TX ]
Street Address
107 E Main St, Normangee, TX 77871
About the area
With an estimated population of 720 inhabitants, this town in Leon County has an average elevation of more than 370 feet above sea level with a very fertile and regular soil of multicolors, gorgeous landscapes, and wonderful people. Reporting a median household income of $39900 and a per capita income of $24730, this municipality has active construction, metal products, educational services, health care, and food services industries. Located 30 miles away from Bryan and more than 95 miles away from Houston, this community is nested between North Zulch, Leona, Madisonville, Marquez, Centerville, Midway, Franklin, and Wixon Valley.
Mailing Address
Po Box 37, Normangee, TX 77871