Devine Municipal Court [ TX ]
Call: 830/663-2804
Street Address
303 S Teel Dr, Devine, TX 78016
For details and ideas about what to do and where to go in this community, we recommend you to visit
About the area
Thinking about visiting Devine? If that is the case, it is important to have an idea of what kind of community this city is. Come and check how this land is inhabited by Hispanic and White Non Hispanic which are the most representative races in this territory. Devine is today home of an estimated population of 4470 people and it is located near Natalia, Bigfoot, Moore, Lytle, and LaCoste. This territory was named after Judge Thomas Jefferson Devine and it is another puzzle piece of the San Antonio metro area with a total land area of 3 square miles of extension elevated more than 645 feet above sea level.
Mailing Address
303 South Teel Drive, Devine, TX 78016