Reeves County Court [ TX ]
Street Address
100 E 4th, Pecos, Pecos, TX 79772
About the area
When you come to Reeves County, you will find several places to visit such as Derrick Ranch, Worsham Ranch, Dinwiddie Ranch, Anderson Ranch, and Balmorhea State Park. Named for George Reeves, this territory served by Pecos City as its county seat is connected by the Interstate 10, Interstate 20, US Highway 285, and State Highway 17. Established in the 1880s, this corner of America has a total land area of less 2640 square miles of extension is framed by Eddy (NM), Loving, Ward, Pecos, Jeff Davis, and Culberson Counties.
Mailing Address
One-Zero-Zeor East Fourth / Second Floor - Suite 207, Pecos, TX 79772