Reeves District Court [ TX ]
Ring, ring: 432-943-2749
Street Address
400 S Allen Ave, Monahans, Monahans, TX 79756
Address listed is only used as a reference point.
About the area
With less than 20% of rural population, this community in Texas State has an estimated population of more than 11000 inhabitants employed by educational services, health care, social services, manufacturing, agriculture, and retail trade industries. Reporting more than 70% of private wages, this territory of a very extensive Hispanic community has a median household income of $23300 and a per capita income of $10800. Father of Pecos and Toyah, this land shares borders with Eddy (NM), Culberson, Jeff Davis, Loving, Pecos, and Ward Counties.
Mailing Address
Po Box 205, Monahans, TX 79756