Panguitch District Court [ UT ]
Street Address
55 S. Main Street, Panguitch, UT 84759
WWW Link
Panguitch District Court is the district court of Garfield county and is located in the Sixth Judicial district of Utah. The Garfield County Justice court and the Panguitch Justice court are located in the same building as this court and use the same post office box. The phone number and the fax number for the Garfield County Justice court and the Panguitch Justice court are 435-676-1115 and 435-676-8239 and can be reached on internet at The county justice court handles hearings for violations which occur throughout the county with the exception of those occurring within the city limits of Escalante and Panguitch. The Garfield County Justice court is presided over by Hon. Russell B. Bulkley and the Panguitch Justice court by Hon. Timothy Smith. US 89 and SR 143 meet in the center of Panguitch.
About the area
There are some great natural wonders, colors and sights in Garfield county; located at Bryce Canyon and Capitol Reef national parks and the Grand Staircase-Escalante National monument as well as at Kodachrome Basin, Scenic Byway 12 and the San Rafael Desert. Panguitch, a bright and shiny historic town, is itself in the valley between the Markagunt and Pausaugunt Plateaus. The city name is derived from the Native American expression for Big Fish. Indeed the lake in the nearby mountains is known for its large rainbow trout and a place where anglers can catch fish the year round. The Canyon Country Complex, in Panguitch, is the scene of rodeos, concerts, horse racing and other equestrian competitions, sports competitions and conventions. There are several annual festivals taking place in this city, which draw tourists from all over; the Quilt Walk festival, the Panquitch Valley Balloon Rally and Homecomung Day.
Mailing Address
Post Office Box 77, Panguitch, UT 84759