Moab District Court [ UT ]
Street Address
125 E. Center Street, Moab, UT 84532
WWW Link
This court is the district court of Grand county in the Seventh Judicial district of Utah. Grand County Justice Court is located in the same building and is presided over by Hon. David M. Tubbs. The phone number for the justice court is 435-259-1334 and the fax number is 435-259-3070. IS 70, US 191, SR 128 and SR 313 are the major roads in Grand county.
About the area
This area is known for its fantastic landscapes and scenic beauty which attract visitors from all over the world. At one time the Archaic peoples, the Anasazi (Ancient Puebloan) and Fremont inhabited this area Prehistoric tools, textiles, pottery, jewelry, a model pit house and a large burden basket as well as a display of Ute artifacts, including rare ceramic pieces can be found in the Museum of Moab which also has on display photos and artifacts descriptive of pioneer Moab life, an extensive rock and mineral display and massive bones from dinosaurs. The Film Museum at Red Cliffs Ranch has black and white filmmaking from past years featuring our most cherished actors and actresses and highlights from recent film projects produced in the spectacular scenery surrounding Moab.
Hon. Lyle Anderson
Mailing Address
125 E. Center St., Moab, UT 84532