Fillmore District Court [ UT ]
Street Address
765 S. Highway 99 , Fillmore, UT 84631
Fillmore District Court is the district court of Millard county one of the district courts in the Fourth Judicial district of Utah.
About the area
Based on the experience of Mormon parties traveling through the area of what later became Millard county; two groups of pioneers were directed in the Fall of 1851 to settle in the area which had been occupied primarily by Ute indians. Although relations between the settlers and the Utes were amicable; a government group searching for a route for a transcontinental railroad were attacked by Ute indians and the leader of the group was killed. Apparently this was in retaliation for the earlier murder of a Ute by emigrants who were passing through the area. With ranching and farming developing in the county, the 20th century saw sheep and cattle ranching emerging as the major livestock. With the arrival of the Union Pacific line through west Millard County large-scale alfalfa seed production was developed early in the 20th century. Mining also became a significant part of the county's economy with fluorspar, copper, manganese, sulphur, gypsum, beryllium and salt being produced.
Hon. Jennifer A. Brown
Mailing Address
765 S. Hway. 99 Ste. 6, Fillmore, UT 84631