Midvale Justice Court [ UT ]
Street Address
655 W. Center Street, Midvale, UT 84047
WWW Link
SR 48 meets with US 89 in this town and also meets with IS 15 which swoops down through the center of town. IS 215 runs along the Northeastern edge of town.
About the area
In the Midvale Historical Society & Museum you find displays of items which have aplace in the history of Midvale. On exhibit are pioneer clothing, dolls, a Waldorf stove, a potato set cutter, a telephone switchboard, early pianos and washing machines. This town maintains there three parks and the Jordan river parkway which is green area running along the river of the same name. Midvale City park has a bowery, pavilions an amphitheater, playground, softball field and tennis court. The other two parks are smaller with Fire Station park including a pavilion and playground, and Main Street court holding a basketball court. The Midvale Arts council presents theatrical performances, an art show and concerts at the amphitheater and the Midvale Performing Arts center. The council also mains the Hall of Honors which lists the names sons and daughters of Midvale who have made significant contributions to Midvale as well as those whose accomplishments and achievements have helped put Midvale on the map.
Hon. Ronald C. Wolthuis
Mailing Address
655 W. Center St., Midvale, UT 84047