Tappahannock Magistrate [ VA ]
Street Address
304 Prince St., Tappahannock, VA 22560
WWW Link
Tappahannock Magistrate is where you can find the magistrate of Essex county.
About the area
The town was basically established in the early 1600's when a settler opened the “Hobbs His Hole” waterhouse and trading post here, named for himself. For a short time the town even took on the name New Plymouth. When a local land owner sold the British crown a tract of land for a port of entry, the town site was established. An act of the Virginia Legislature at James City around 1680 formalized the town. Today a number of the early homes still remain in Tappahannock’s Historic Landmark District. Some of the structures you might see on a walking tour of this district are Scots Arms Tavern, Ritchie House, Henley House, Beale Memorial Baptist Church, Anderton House, Customs House, McCall-Brockenbrough House and the Old Debtor's Prison.
Mailing Address
Essex Sheriff’s Office, Tappahannock, VA 22560