Floyd General District Court [ VA ]
Judy's line: 5407459327
Street Address
100 East Main St, Floyd, VA 24091
WWW Link
About the area
The home of the Harvest Festival was originally named Jacksonville because of US President Andrew Jackson. This community is very small in population (less than 500 people), but it has a big heart. Regional Music is released and produced here in Floyd; the melodies of Bluegrass and Old Time music fill the taste of the residents of this county.
Hours of Operation
Traffic court: Thurs. 9:30 am - Civil court: Thurs. 9:00 am
Get it on with Williams and try not to fight Duncan's decisions.
Type Of Cases
Floyd District Court gets a few traffic cases but not too many tourists or travelers come through.
Mailing Address
100 E. Main Street - Courthouse / Room 208, Floyd, VA 24091