Lancaster Magistrate [ VA ]
Street Address
8293 Mary Ball Rd., Lancaster, VA 22503
About the area
The residents of Lancaster have an excellent place for family research in their midst. The Mary Ball Washington Museum and Library has thousands of volumes of court records, census data, family histories, church records, county histories and vital records. The museum is housed in the Lancaster House, circa 1830, which is on the National Register of Historic Places. Its exhibits cover more than 350 years of history in addition to the historic buildings of the Old Jail and Clerk's Office which are still standing in the area next to the museum and Lancaster House. Belle Isle State park is a great place to relax. The park has tidal wetlands mixed with agricultural fields and upland forests. There are also picnic shelters, hiking, biking and bridle trails, motor boat and car-top launch. If you want to spend a few days in the park there is lodging at the Bel Air Mansion and the Bel Air Guest House. If you came to the park you will find bicycles, canoes and motorboats for rentals.
Mailing Address
Lancaster Sheriff’s Office, Lancaster, VA 22503