Mathews Magistrate [ VA ]
Street Address
50 Brickbat Rd., Mathews, VA, Mathews, VA 23109
Mathews Magistrate is the magistrate court of Mathews county.
About the area
To those who want to get a glimpse of the natural beauty and experience the peaceful surroundings of this county; a trip to Bethel Beach Natural Area preserve will be satisfying. Here they will find acres of sandy beach, low dunes and salt marshes on the Chesapeake Bay which are inhabited by rare plants, nesting birds and the endangered Northeastern Beach Tiger Beetle. There are two museums in this county with enormous collections on display. Gwynn's Island museum on the island of the same name, where the Piankatank river meets the Chesapeake bay, has 12 collections on exhibit. The museum is housed in a 100 year old building used by the Odd Fellows Lodge and later as the Island's first public school. The Mathews Maritime museum, located in downtown Mathews, has 15 collections on display.
Mailing Address
Fifty Brickbat Rd., Mathews, VA 23109