Lovingston Magistrate [ VA ]
Street Address
94 Courthouse Square, Lovingston, VA 22949
Lovingston Magistrate serves Nelson county in the Twenty-Fourth judicial district of Virginia.
About the area
Fortunes Cove preserve, near Lovingston, covers over 750 acres and its more than 5 miles of hiking trail through its mountainous areas allow you to reach its seven viewpoints. Be sure to visit the informational kiosk near the parking lot to find out where these are located. Bears, turkeys and migratory songbirds often visit the area from their habitants in the surrounding forest. Located a little to the South of Lovingston, in Arrington, you will find the Oakland- Nelson County Museum of History which is housed in a tavern, circa 1840's, which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Its exhibits deal with Rural Electrification in Nelson County in the 1930's and the devastation caused on Nelson county in 1969 by Hurricane Camille.
Mailing Address
Ninety-Four Courthouse Sq., Lovingston, VA 22949