Surry Magistrate [ VA ]
Street Address
45 School St., Surry, VA 23883
Surry Magistrate is the magistrate court of Surry county in the sixth district.
About the area
Smith's Fort Plantation which was built between 1751 and 1765, reflects the architecture of the period with gabled roof, accented with dormer windows. The inside of the house still has much of its original pine interior paneling and woodwork. The home has been restored and has a collection of English and American furnishings. If you visit this site you will be able to tour the the retreat fort, the house and its herb garden. Bacon's Castle was originally the home of a prosperous planter and was inherited by his son who was supporter of the colonial governor and member of the House of Burgesses. He was driven from h the home during Bacon's Rebellion. It is has the distinction of being the oldest brick house in Virginia, having been built around 1665 and has distinctive triple-stacked chimneys and curved Flemish gables. The home has been restored and you can see the interior of the house, the grounds, outbuildings and restored 17th-century gardens.
Mailing Address
Forty-Five School St., Surry, VA 23883