Waverly Magistrate [ VA ]
Street Address
119 Bank Street, Waverly, VA 23890
Waverly Magistrate serves as one of the magistrate courts of Sussex county in the sixth district.
About the area
Although several places in the United States are known for being the centers for peanuts growning; most people do not know that the first commercial peanut crop was harvested right here in Waverly around 1842. So where else would you expect to find the First Peanut Museum but in Waverly. It's located in the Miles B. Carpenter Museum Complex and has exhibits of peanut memorabilia, antique farm machinery and equipment covering the complete history of the peanut. The complex also is the site of the home of Miles B. Carpenter. He is the folk artist who is well known for his picture of the slice of watermelon with a bite taken out of it.
Mailing Address
119 Bank St., Waverly, VA 23890