Bridgeport District Court [ WA ]
Street Address
1206 Columbia Avenue, Bridgeport, WA 98813
The Bridgeport District Court might be more familiarly known as the Bidge port branch of the Douglas District Court. The court lies astride State Road 173 and near its intersection with State Road 17.
About the area
Originally the town was known as Westfield. But as fate would have it; investors purchased the entire township and renamed it for their hometown of Bridgeport, Connecticut. Again fate had a hand in the future of the town. River steamers could go no further because of the danger presented by river rapids. Bridgeport became the staging area for supplies. It is now a community of a little over 2200 persons and a relaxing place to live with many miles of fishing and hunting opportunities. The city has more park square footage per resident than any city in Washington State.
Hon. Judith L. McCauley could be known as the traveling judge, shuttling between the two branches of the district court.
Mailing Address
1206 Columbia Ave., PO Box 730, Bridgeport, WA 98813