Douglas District Court [ WA ]
Street Address
200 Eastmont Ave., Wenatchee, WA 98801
The court lies near the intersection of State Road 28 and Grant road. The douglas District court contracts with the cities of Bridgeport, Rock Island, Waterville to hold their municipal court cases.
**Street and map address are approximate. Mailing address is correct, but doesn't map well.
About the area
Would you believe that East Wenatchee was the place that Clyde Pangborn and Hugh Herndon picked to belly-land the Miss Veedol, after the first non-stop, trans-Pacific flight, a forty-one hour hop from Misawa, Japan, in 1931. For the seventh year the city will be commemerating this event with the Annual Wings and Wheels Festival be; held at the beginning of October. Not to be outdone for the car lovers there is The Les Schwab Classy Chassis Parade held during the Apple Blossom weekend in early May. Be sure to claim your spot on the parade route early to enjoy the view of everything from old to new cars, including the customary “classy chassis,” race cars, motorcycles, tractors and even apple bin racers Then catch the car show that follows.
Hon. Judith L. McCauley
Mailing Address
110 2nd St NE, Ste 100**, East Wenatchee, WA 98802