Royal City Municipal Court [ WA ]
Street Address
455 Camelia Street Northeast, Royal City, WA 99357
Probably the fastest way to get to this court is to travel on State Road 26 which lies to the South of the court.
About the area
Royal City is a Johnny-come-lately among cities in Washington State, having been founded in 1956 and officially incorporated 6 years later. It's not a very large town with a population of about 2000. The main industry here is agriculture. The Royal City SummerFest celebration is held each year after the fourth of July. There's a kiddies parade, grand parade, sporting activities, BBQ, breakfast, fireworks, entertainment, vendors, and contests to enjoy. Each event is sponsored by local organizations. The community has a central place to enjoy activities on the water. The Potholes Reservoir is a large earthen filled dam where people can enjoy water sports, boating and fishing.
The wandering twosome of Hon. Richard C. Fitterer and Hon. Janis Whitener-Moberg
Mailing Address
455 Camelia St NE., PO Box 1239, Royal City, WA 99357