Hoquiam Municipal Court [ WA ]
Street Address
609 Eighth Street, Hoquiam, WA 98550
Where else would Hoquiam be but on the Hoquiam River. Maybe they get some boating related cases in the Municipal Court? US 101 is nearby as well, perhaps providing some speeding tickets.
About the area
If you are crafty or artsy, be sure to visit the On Track Art Festival in August. Here you will find quality artists and craftspeople. For other event goers there is the Hoquiam Riverfest in July featuring a street fair, entertainment and fun and games for all. Perhaps these festivals are a reflection of the city's start in 1890. Nearby Bowerman airport, which juts out into Grays Harbor, has a 5,000-foot runway and is jet capable. That doesn't say much about Hoquiam Court, but that's just because we don't know much about it.
No it's not Jimmy Stewart; but the Honorable William J. Stewart who presides in this court.
Mailing Address
Hoquiam Court
Six Hundred Nine 8th St., Hoquiam, WA 98550