Burien County Court [ WA ]
Street Address
601 Southwest 149th Street, Burien, WA 98166
This court is part of the South Division of the King County Court. Harn is the Presiding Judge.
About the area
Burien seems to be a desireable place to live. It has a high population density. The proximity of the Seattle-Tacoma International airport and Puget sound probably account for this. Nearby Seahurst Park has an abundance of natural features such as forests, streams, wetlands, and shoreline. The Park is great for hikers with miles of trails. The park is a surprise ending to it's auspicious beginning. Three false homesteaders layed claim to the area and a sawmill operated here for 142 years. A state legislator and others played a key role in obtaining the land for use as a park.
Hon. Judges Corinna D. Harn, Darrell Phillipson & Elizabeth Stephenson - a trio of justice.
Mailing Address
Southwest District Court, 601 SW 149th St., Burien, WA 98166