East Klickitat County Court [ WA ]
Street Address
205 South Columbus Avenue, Goldendale, WA 98620
The City of Goldendale is located at the intersection of Highway 97 and Highway 142. This court also holds municipal case hearings for the city of Goldendale.
About the area
Goldendale dates back to its incorporation in 1879. As at its start wheat, barley and alfalfa are grown on the farms in this area. When they are ending their careers, retirees can't find a better spot to live with its beautiful natural surroundings, moderate climate and affordable cost of living. For excitement there are the nearby major metropolitan areas. North of Goldendale, the Goldendale Observatory Interpretive Center offers programs for the general public including public viewing sessions in the evenings. You can swing on a star at this place.
Hon. Brian P. Altman
Mailing Address
205 S. Columbus Ave., MS CH-11, Goldendale, WA 98620