Morton Traffic Court [ WA ]
Street Address
250 Main Avenue, Morton , WA 98356
The Morton Traffic Court is formally known as the Morton Violations Bureau. It is situated near the intersection of State road 7 and US Highway 12. The city occupies a total area of 1 square miles and has a population of less than 1500.
About the area
Morton is known as the historic "railroad tie" capitol of the world. It is located in a valley between Mt. Rainier National Park and Mt. St. Helens National Volcanic Monument. The Loggers' Jubilee is held here each year on the second weekend of August. There are Main Street parades, Lawnmower races and Logging shows.
Hon. Steven R. Buzzard; he sure does get around.
Mailing Address
250 Main Ave., PO Box 1089, Morton , WA 98356